March 29, 2006
36 days in…
St. Joseph Medical Center
Phoenix, AZ

Carol is a Specialty Care Unit professional nurse in charge of Lisa’s care during the past few days. In talking with Richard this evening, she reports that Lisa’s condition is stable and she is continuing to slowly improve. The therapy team (physical, occupational and Speech) are also working with her. Lisa was placed upright into a Cadillac chair for two-hours today, and tolerated it quite well. I would tell you more about the chair, but right now you know as much about it as I do. Lisa’s flexibility is being maintained with range of motion therapy and her vital signs are continually monitored. The Stevens-Johnson syndrome will soon be a fleeting memory and everyone is delighted with that “near history.” Lisa’s patient room looks out over a beautifully landscaped lawn and mature Palm trees. It is a view of promise for Lisa.
You may have heard that folks have been taking an active part in Lisa’s care by donating leave time. The Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE), Voluntary Leave Transfer Program, Screening Committee has approved a request for Lisa to be a leave recipient under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program. She has exhausted all of her accumulated leave and donations are needed to help her through this difficult time. The minimum leave donation is four hours. Requests to donate leave must be submitted on the "Authorization to Transfer Leave" form, available from any ICE administrative and/or personnel office. All donations forms must include a current T&A Report. For additional information on how to donate leave, employees can contact the CBP/HRM Laguna Niguel, Calif. Service Center at (949) 360-3063. Donation requests can be faxed to (949) 425-4919.
For federal employees choosing to donate time and who are not with DHS, they are asking that you visit and complete the OPM 630B form. Once completed and signed by the federal employee, the form must go to their respective payroll office. The payroll office can then fax the form to Ania at (602) 379-3845.
The link to the OPM 630B form is If you have any questions, please email