March 20, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
The last three days have been a blur. Lisa as you know is in Phoenix at the Arizona Burn Center; Richard is there also as is Karl and Carmen. So, let me tell you about Lisa first, and then I’ll tell you what the others have been doing.
“Remarkably well” best describes Lisa’s response to the Intra-Venous Immunoglobulin (IVIG} therapy she is being administered. The Stevens - Johnson syndrome (SJS) is retreating. Her doctors began weaning Lisa from the ventilator; so her next step is to breathe again on her own with the trach mask which will have humidity applied. In the short term she’s looking at the resumption of occupational and physical therapy. Dr. Stein, you will remember from Northwest Medical Center in Oro Valley, called for, he said, “fifty people at the hospital, who want an update on how Lisa is doing.” He told Richard,” [her progress] is wonderful and so glad to hear that of her.” Saturday night, she had a low grade temperature, and the staff became concerned with her having increased secretions from her lungs, and was alerted and watchful for early signs of pneumonia. And so she went into Sunday.
Sunday, Lisa had another day of slow, but steady gains. The ventilator was removed and she is now back on the trach mask breathing moisturized air. Her physical therapist set her up in bed to get her head elevated and sit upright! Her temperature returned to normal and all of her other vital signs were “rock solid.” (Rock solid isn’t a medical term, by the way, but instead it’s a legal-description I got from Richard.) Richard also described the SJS is ugly, but is retreating!
Monday Richard met with Social Security officials to begin their paperwork process. The social security agent was very helpful and cooperative. Karl and Carmen remained in Phoenix.
Richard asked me to tell you that the mail at his home in Oro Valley stopped for an unknown reason. I picked up a ton yesterday for him from the local post office, and he took it all with him back to Phoenix. He wants you to know he’ll catch up on acknowledgements ASAP. I would only add, he’s up to his ass in alligators right now.
Michael, (Richard’s dad)
The picture above is Lisa on the day of Michael's birth, 10 Feb 2006.