Lisa Today
07 March 06
Oro Valley, AZ
Good Morning
I’m Richard’s father; he asked that I keep you current with Lisa’s progress to recovery. I was thinking if I were you I’d like to know, without wondering or worrying, what’s happened overnight, and what’s going on right now.
Monday evening (2/6/2006) Sherry brought Michael to spend an hour with Lisa. As before, her heart rate increased as Michael was placed upon her chest. She seemed to close her arms around him, and there they lay together… Mother and Child… as illustrated with the Simon and Garfunkle lyrics, “Mother & Child Reunion.” Richard brought Michael home about 8:45 PM, and he returned to the hospital about 7:00 AM today.
It’s clearly Tuesday in (wish I could say Tucson) blue skies and mild temperature and Lisa went for extensive MRI testing at 8:00 AM. One of our favorite nurses, André told Richard this morning that Lisa is continuing to respond well to stimulus and that he observed more spontaneous limb movement. (This is encouraging, but I must confess I have to restrain myself from placing additional adjectives or exaggerations in my comments. So if some of this is “flat” it is because I’m trying my best to be fair to all concerned.)
So looking ahead today are Lisa’s test results (late afternoon) and hopfully a meeting with Dr. Stein her Medical Team Leader. So, standby …. Michael