March 18, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
Saturday, I learned from Richard, the hold Stevens-Johnson syndrome has on Lisa is shrinking. Areas of her body that were blistered are being treated to protect her from infection. Physical therapists (PT) were in to see her. The PT’s are taking a different approach to Lisa’s care. The focus will now be on her long—term care. As an example, Lisa was propped up which was a small, first-step toward getting her hold up her head. The goal is to get Lisa to fire-up her muscles.
Here is a letter written by Melody Nelson, I urge you to read it so you might better understand that healthcare is not the only issue here. Nelson, Melody (USAOKN) Melody.Nelson@usdoj.gov
“One of my closest friends recently had a medical emergency and I am writing to personally ask for your help.
Her name is Lisa Wintory (her maiden name is Goodspeed), and before moving to Arizona 3 years ago, she was a long-time prosecutor in Oklahoma. Lisa is 39 years old and had a two week old baby when her heart stopped beating three weeks ago today. Doctors still are not sure what caused her heart to stop. To make a long story short- she had substantial brain trauma and will need prolonged care. At the time her heart stopped, Lisa was on maternity leave from the Department of Homeland Security.
We just learned that Lisa is running out of sick leave. Once she runs out of leave, it is likely that Lisa's employment will be terminated, and the family will lose medical coverage for Lisa and the baby. Given Lisa's condition, there is no doubt she will have substantial medical bills for a long time.
If you are one of those lucky people with lots of leave, I am begging for you to please donate some leave for Lisa and her family through the Voluntary Leave Bank program. Her family is dealing with Lisa's multiple medical issues while raising a newborn. So you can see the people you would be helping, I am attaching a picture of Lisa and her baby, Michael, taken at a happier time. If you can possibly donate, I would consider it a personal favor. Any amount of leave you can spare will make a huge difference for Lisa and her family. The following explains how to donate leave.
For those federal employees wanting to donate time and who are not with DHS, they are asking that you visit www.opm.gov/oca/LEAVE and complete the OPM 630B form. Once completed and signed by the federal employee, the form must go to their respective payroll office. The payroll office can then fax the form to Ania at (602) 379-3845.
The link to the OPM 630B form is http://www.opm.gov/forms/pdf_fill/opm630b.pdf.
If you have any questions, please email me at Melody.Nelson@usdoj.gov. Thank you very much. Lisa’s direct supervisor at DHS is Patricia Vroom with the Department of Homeland Security, Office of Chief Counsel, 2035 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85004. Her assistant is Ania (pronounced like “Anna”) Harrell. Her phone number is (602) 379-4007”
Michael L Wintory (Richard's Dad, the photo is of Michael Gene and me.)