St. Joseph Medical Center
Specialty Care Hospital
Phoenix, Arizona
Some of you certainly were in church on Easter Sunday morning, and I know you and others had Lisa in your hearts, because it was so with Lisa, Richard and 9-week-old Michael. The three attended Easter services at the St. Joseph Chapel. Richard drove Lisa, d
ressed in very-nice purple pajamas, by wheel chair and towed Michael in his buggy. It seemed that everyone was united in their well wishes for Lisa and were moved by Richard epitomizing the well known slogan ‘The family that prays together stays together.” And again, this Sunday past, the three made their way to the Chapel again. So, you say? Well yes, you see there was a couple there who had attended Easter morning services with the three Wintory’s; and it was the couple who now approached Richard. “Richard,” the husband said, we want to do something that may be of benefit for Lisa” and with that, he reverently presented small vial to Richard. He explained they had just returned from a spiritual pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes at Lourdes, France, and with them, they safe guarded 2-small-glass vials containing Holy Water from the spring at Lourdes. “Lisa must have this,” he said, and without further ceremony pressed the vial into Richard’s hand. Lisa & Richard above had this picture taken while visit Nicol and Donna Wintory in Fort Smith, Arkansas.

Sherry, baby Michael and I, with Mac and Tosh our two Scottish Terriers took off for Galesburg, Illinois in our Fleetwood Expedition RV over week ago. As usual, our estimated, and I use the term loosely, departure was Monday afternoon. The ETD grew legs and we finally rolled out at 10:00 AM Tuesday. We traveled along the southern route which took us through Oklahoma City. Jack and Napua Davis, Michael’s God Parents, live in near by Midwest City so we on the second day stopped there. Everyone was excited to see everyone, and it was marvelous to receive their wonderful hospitality. We rested, enjoyed a wonderful meal and were on our way to Tulsa, Oklahoma. We got a couple of miles down the road when Sherry’s head count revealed that Mac was missing! With global positioning assistance, I got quickly turned around and back we went. All kind of thoughts raced through my head, as you can imagine… what with finding a black dog at night. But, when we arrive, Napua greeted us with Mac in her arms. It was all good from there on, all the rest of the way to Galesburg. By the way, I want you to know it is safe now to drive through Missouri because I killed all the bugs with my windshield on our way through. We arrived at 10:00 PM on Thursday. On Friday, the three of us went to services at Temp
le Sholom the synagogue in Galesburg. We were warmly received and there was a prayer said for Lisa. I also took this opportunity to have Michael re-circumcised, and get him his own kippah. (It’s a joke) Our trip to Galesburg was necessary because Sherry and I needed to make a decision about our home. We concluded that caring for Michael’s well being was more important than our Illinois residence so we listed with Century 21. That was the easy part… but we are leaving family her Laura and James, and many people we feel close to. Michael has been able to spend time with his Grandmother Beverly; you can imagine she was delighted, and so was Michael. He snuggled in arms like he belonged there. It was really nice to see. Anyway we return to Arizona next Wednesday. On this leg of the trip we’ll see Nicol and Donna Wintory (my brother & sister-in-law) in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, and then on to Oklahoma City again were we’ll be with Jack and Napua and see David and Suzanne Goodspeed and family. Michael doesn’t want to miss a trick. The picture (above) of Michael was taken on his first trip to Steak & Shake and the 3nd one was taken with Richard's Mom, "Grandmother Beverly."

Lisa continues progressing as she moves slowly along the long road toward her recovery. To those of us who can only watch from the sidelines, we must be patient and supporting of all those entrusted with her care. Earlier, Lisa conscious state was evaluated using the Rappaport assessment which identifies 4-broad stages of a coma patient. Stage 1: Coma, Stage 2: Moderate Coma, State 3: Near Coma, and State 4: Non Coma. As Lisa’s ordeal began she was in State 1 during her hospitalization at Northwest Medical Center – Oro Valley, AZ. While at the Arizona Burn Center in Phoenix, Lisa progressed through Stage 2: Moderate, as her response to stimulus was with inconsistent ability. Three weeks ago she progressed to Stage 3: Near Coma. She now responds consistently to stimulation of two senses. As Maureen her speech therapist put it, “She, at this level has sign
ificant room to improve.” Lisa has been vocalizing, albeit non-volitional for a while. In the last 10-days, Maureen, has observed Lisa moving her mouth and tounge in a purposeful manner when she nods her head in response to Maureen’s dialogue with her. Lisa made a slight vocalization to Maureen prompting, and Maureen states, “If she can do it [make a volitional sound] a little, [we can] expect more to come.” Last Sunday, Deb Pope, therapy department supervisor, who Richard decscribes as “… salty, 30-year healthcare veteran who is very direct and professional in her manner,” looked Richard in the eye and told him she was optimistic and is encouraged Lisa’s responding immediately to therapists requests, and she also distinguishes the presence of others, like family members. She said that Lisa will leave Specialty Care Hospital within 2 – 4 week time frame. Lisa’s tracheotomy airway opening was closed; a good step forward to the short range goal of entering the Barrow Institute. Barrow specializes on patients with Lisa’s condition. Looking further ahead, Lisa is expected to receive care from Barrow for 2 months or more, as the case may be.
Here is the St. Joseph Medical Center (Barrow) address you may want to see it.

Here is the St. Joseph Medical Center (Barrow) address you may want to see it.
A couple of days ago Lisa had her 40th birthday, and we leave the moment with one of her physicians remarking, “… we expect improvement, and we’ll wait and see…”
We three travelers will depart Galesburg “sometime” Wednesday. We have made a full commitment to Richard, Michael and Lisa by listing our house with Century 21. Sherry has worked very, very hard to get it ready to show. Michael has been very cooperative and giving us time to do the 1,001 things that need doing. He is spending some quality time with his Galesburg Grandmother Beverly, and what a delight he is to all.
Warmest regards to you from Illinois,