From my e-mail bag, a Q & A is appropriate…
Question: I have one question tho.......are Lisa's eyes open while all this exercising is going on? Does there seem to be any responsiveness (as yet) in her vision, or are we still waiting for that to come?

Answer: Sherry and I are driving to Phoenix with Michael this morning. It will be his and our first trip to see his mom in several weeks. Regarding Lisa’s level of conscientious, I’ve learned that quite unlike TV and the movies, you don't "wake-up" the way we do in the mornings. You have various levels of wakefulness. The goal for Lisa is to get time like she had in therapy yesterday for longer periods and more frequently. This is her gift today for us as we are waiting in the wings. She can do this, my goose bumps tell me so.
Picture is of Lisa reacting to a baby shower gift January 2nd, 2006. Picture is from Linda Thompson, Norman, Oklahoma.