Sunday – April 9, 2006
St. Joseph Medical Center
49 Days into the ordeal
Specialty Care Hospital
Phoenix, AZ
Sherry, baby Michael, and I drove to Phoenix Saturday morning for Michael’s first visit to be reunited

Lisa looked beautiful. There are no visible after effects of the Stevens-Johnson syndrome on her face. Her skin had a sweet youthfulness and her big blue eyes fascinated me for their beauty. Richard announced our presence to Lisa. He didn’t play any games with her, like “guess who’s here?” he simply, in a quiet reassuring, tender voice said, “Lisa… darling, Michael is here, and I’m placing him in your arms.” It was a beautiful scene.
Michael continued to sleep in his mother’s arms for a few minutes. Then he slowly started to awaken… stretched, raised his little arms over his head and touched his mother’s face. Then he made a little coughing sound, opened his eyes and told everyone in the room and down the hall that he wanted to eat. Sherry took him then, and Michael did what he does best, drain a full 6 ounces of Similac without hardly a burp. While he drinks, he makes soft, little noises, as if the say, “Yummmmy this is good, really good.” And, “Don’t you even think about blotting the milk from my mouth and chin, if removing that bottle is involved. So Sherry didn’t and we walked outside of Lisa’s room.
Then, Richard and Rebecca, Lisa’s charge nurse, and another nurse prepa

Sherry suggested to Richard that he might keep Michael with him overnight so that the baby could spend more time with his mother. So it was agreed, and drove to Target to pick up a portable travel baby bed for Michael. It provided him with a safe, secure baby bed.
We returned to Oro Valley, took in a restaurant and a movie, and actually didn’t know what to do with ourselves. Who would have thought it? Richard returns home Sunday afternoon, so the “not knowing what to do with ourselves” won’t last too long.
Lisa’s picture was taken January 2, 2006 by Linda Thompson in Norman, Oklahoma. I made (digital camera) the mountain landscape picture from Richard and Lisa’s back patio after a brief rain shower earlier this week.