At home in...
Oro Valley, Arizona
From the last journal, you will recall that Lisa is now at home with all of her own hospital equipment as her bedroom was converted will the necessary support and monitoring equipment to accommodate her. Remember? She is breathing on her own, but is constantly monitored to assure that her oxygen level and heart rate are what they should be. Lisa continues to receive a variety of supplemental vitamins and mineral—some of which require Patrice to crush the pill form prior to administering them in her feeding tub. One particularity obstinate pill is the iron supplement--as the outer shell is very difficult to reduce to a fine grain. Fortunately for Patrice, who has the job of crushing and administering the dosage, the Doctor wrote a new prescription so it is now liquid form. Lisa has a new physician who makes home visits as part of his regular practice and coincidently lives nearby. She, Lisa, also receives regular visits from a home healthcare, professional nurse.
Lisa’s lift works perfectly and comfortably. Patrice easily moves Lisa about the h
ome. She has ready access to the family room and other space in the home. But most important here, Patrice without physical strain (or stress) is able to lift and move Lisa from her bed into her wheelchair. For example, last night Richard took Lisa out for supper to Ann and Jim Peterson’s home which is across the street. It was not unlike when Richard took Lisa in her wheelchair from her hospital room to the tranquility garden. We were all their, Lisa and Richard with Michael; Patrice, Sherry, and me and of course the Peterson’s. It was a wonderful evening.
A couple of days ago Patrice was shampooing Lisa’s hair and asked Lisa too tip her head back and Lisa complied with a deliberate head movement in response, and when asked to move her head forward Lisa did! Yesterday, I was telling Lisa about how nice the new outdoor pool covers, that were installed to protect Michael from a swimming pool accident. While I was talking she engaged me with eye contact, and then turned her face away from me when her part of the exchange was complete.
Richard’s sister Laura from Galesburg, Illinois, flew in to Tucson and spent a wonderful week with us. She always brings good cheer and high spirits, and I must say, it was a truly a welcomed relief to have her here. She spent her days with Sherry, Michael and Me and her evening with Richard, Lisa, Michael and Patrice. No kidding, it was really good to see and be with her.
We’re all a bit tired, but very enthusiastic about what we have seen of Lisa reaction to being reacquainted with her home its sights, sounds, perfume and people.
I have received several e-mails responding to Lisa’s Home Coming, and want you to know how much I (we all) appreciate your encouragement and well wishes. Thank You!
Oro Valley, Arizona
From the last journal, you will recall that Lisa is now at home with all of her own hospital equipment as her bedroom was converted will the necessary support and monitoring equipment to accommodate her. Remember? She is breathing on her own, but is constantly monitored to assure that her oxygen level and heart rate are what they should be. Lisa continues to receive a variety of supplemental vitamins and mineral—some of which require Patrice to crush the pill form prior to administering them in her feeding tub. One particularity obstinate pill is the iron supplement--as the outer shell is very difficult to reduce to a fine grain. Fortunately for Patrice, who has the job of crushing and administering the dosage, the Doctor wrote a new prescription so it is now liquid form. Lisa has a new physician who makes home visits as part of his regular practice and coincidently lives nearby. She, Lisa, also receives regular visits from a home healthcare, professional nurse.
Lisa’s lift works perfectly and comfortably. Patrice easily moves Lisa about the h
A couple of days ago Patrice was shampooing Lisa’s hair and asked Lisa too tip her head back and Lisa complied with a deliberate head movement in response, and when asked to move her head forward Lisa did! Yesterday, I was telling Lisa about how nice the new outdoor pool covers, that were installed to protect Michael from a swimming pool accident. While I was talking she engaged me with eye contact, and then turned her face away from me when her part of the exchange was complete.
Richard’s sister Laura from Galesburg, Illinois, flew in to Tucson and spent a wonderful week with us. She always brings good cheer and high spirits, and I must say, it was a truly a welcomed relief to have her here. She spent her days with Sherry, Michael and Me and her evening with Richard, Lisa, Michael and Patrice. No kidding, it was really good to see and be with her.
We’re all a bit tired, but very enthusiastic about what we have seen of Lisa reaction to being reacquainted with her home its sights, sounds, perfume and people.
I have received several e-mails responding to Lisa’s Home Coming, and want you to know how much I (we all) appreciate your encouragement and well wishes. Thank You!
The picture is of Patrice, Lisa's care giver.