Saturday, June 16, 2007

Lisa Today - 2007 June 15

Home… Home at Last!
Oro Valley, Arizona

There wasn’t really much fan fare, but those closest to Lisa from the hospital staff came to say goodbye and expressed their well wishes. Then, the day continued with two paramedics from the Phoenix Paramedic Transport service who brought Lisa, with Richard sitting beside her, home in their ambulance. To make sure we were at the hospital before the 1:00 PM transport to Tucson, Richard and I left for Phoenix at 7:00 AM. Then after loading my vehicle with Lisa's things and her wheelchair I was off to Tucson, and arrived home near 10:30 AM.

The timing of Lisa's move was as close to perfect as one could get. You see Lisa's discharge date and time from Select Specialty Hospital was firm: 1:00 PM, Friday, June 15th. Richard's Jury was still out on Thursday, June 14th, and they had been deliberating since Wednesday the 13th. The jury was deciding the guilt or innocence of a man accused of racketeering, drug dealing, murder and kidnapping, and other felonies. It (the trial) had taken 6-weeks, and now it has come down to the final day and everyone is waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and then at 3:30 PM the jury came with their verdict: GUILTY! And, so it came about the way it ought to... one more bad guy is off the streets of Tucson. There is a coincidence to my way of thinking in that just a year ago Richard tried a case in Ada, Oklahoma that concluded just-about-this-time. A current best seller titled "Innocent Man" was written about the case. I was John Grisham first non-fiction book.

Lisa’s home coming went well; with only a few glitches that were corrected by the time of her arrival. For instance, her specialized hospital bed arrived at 10:30 AM Friday. It was a replacement for the incorrect bed that was delivered a few days earlier. There were other things I could tell you about, but what the heck everything worked out so at this point it really doesn't matter. What does matter is that Lisa is home and loving it!
