Update, 03-06 Nov 06
Lisa’s weekend with Richard and Michael was, to say the least, engaged! She took on a new physical

MotoMed provides continuous user feedback to keep the training session moving in the right direction. Feedback includes a unique symmetry training feature that shows and motivates the user to strengthen and exert greater effort.
This is what the MOTOmed Smooth Drive System does: loosens long term muscular tension (spasticity = high muscle tone) Stiff muscles of arms or legs can be loosened by gently moving the limbs in a flowing motion, slowly releasing muscle tension. Using this knowledge, a particularly gentle drive system has been developed for the MOTOmed viva: the MOTOmed Smooth Drive System (employing a belt drive system rather than a gear drive).
If you would like more information about this here is my source: http://www.southwestmedical.com/Exercise_Fitness/MotoMed_Models/MotoMed_Viva_2_Movement_Therapy_System/12860p0.
Simply copy and paste this Internet address into your Browser’s address field.
Simply copy and paste this Internet address into your Browser’s address field.
Rosemary reported to Richard that Lisa increased pressure when asked to perform the exercise, and found this encouraging.
Michael’s doctor appointment last week turned out great. He weighs 21 pounds and is now 29” long. His EKG was perfect, and Dr. Sampson prescribed a new medicine to protect him against Long QT syndrome 3. A local pharmacy had to formulate the prescription and make into liquid form, so that the dose, he receives, 3-times a day is perfect. So, we got the medication, learned how to administer it by syringe, and tasted it to see just how bad it was going to be. The pharmacist suggested we quickly follow the dose with white grape juice. Sherry told me it was not a pleasant taste at all. Michael took the stuff like a Man! Heck, he didn’t even flinch, but we learned he loved the grape juice kicker. It’s back to basics with Michael: food, rest, exercise, bath, something to bite on, and he’s a happy camper.
Sherry and I move into our new residence November 16th. It is an exciting-busy time for us.
Best wishes from Tucson & Phoenix!