Dear Family and Friends of Lisa, Richard and Baby Michael Gene,
Thank you so much for all the beautiful cards, notes, and flowers you sent to Lisa to celebrate her 40th birthday. Carmen and Richard (as well as we) have been moved by your expressions of support, love, and encouragement for Lisa as she continues working toward recovery. Your overwhelming kindness and thoughtfulness are on full display on all four walls in Lisa's hospital room, considerably warming and brightening what otherwise could be a very humdrum and drab hospital room. As you can see for yourselves in the photo, among the room brighteners is a group of very creative original cards from Lisa's nephew, Collin, and his entire 5th grade class in Norman, Oklahoma. Not to be outdone, Collin's 3-year-old sister, Rylee, signed and sent her own special card.
We arrived on Monday and were sooo encouraged with the progress Lisa has made since we last saw her three weeks ago. She is in speech therapy for an hour each day and then, later in the day, in occupational and physical therapy for another hour. Her speech therapist is very pleased with her ability to answer questions, usually by nodding her head yes or no. And the occupational and physical therapists are also very pleased with the progress she is making in reestablishing control of her muscles. For instance, on Wednesday (May 3) they used an apparatus which required Lisa to stand by herself. In addition to standing, she was also able to shift her weight from one foot to the other on her own with no help from the therapists while on the apparatus.
Carmen has gotten in the habit of spending an hour or so with Lisa under the shade trees outside the hospital in a wheel chair between sessions with the therapists. She also takes her outside again in the late afternoon or early evening for another hour. The trips outside give Lisa a change of scenery with different sounds and smells to help reawaken all of her senses.
Thank you again.
Shaggy and Rex