Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Lisa Today - 27 December 2006
Despite many months of struggling through setbacks and complications, Lisa has continued to show us she's with us, aware of her condition and wants to reclaim her life. Unfortunately, the degree of her brain injury has limited her ability to communicate to only blinks and slight nods. We have had to come to accept that Lisa will not be able to return to her career as a prosecutor for Homeland Security's Operation Predator. Therefore, Richard submitted the necessary paperwork for Lisa to take disability retirement from federal service.
The delay of this heartbreaking decision for Richard and Lisa, was with the desperate hope for her to be able to make a significant recovery, consequently it has put them in a bind. We learned from the Office of Personnel Management in Washington recently that there probably will be 120-days to process, review and approve Lisa’s retirement application. You see, they won't even assign Lisa's case for 30 days; then it will take up to an additional 90 more days before it's approved. Lisa's leave time will run out sometime in January. When that happens well, to be blunt, Richard and Lisa are a two paycheck family and can't make it-in their home-on just Richard’s salary. This situation they are in is more than an ordinary threat as Lisa is quickly approaching the day she will come home to her residence in Oro Valley.
Therefore, I am asking you, if you or your colleagues in federal service who may have some surplus annual leave time, or are in a "use it or lose it" situation before the end-of-the-year help us by donating some or all of your surplus to Lisa. Those of you who can, and will help, please contact your personnel office to complete a "voluntary leave transfer program" (VLTP) form for Lisa Wintory, DHS/ICE and have the personnel office certify the transfer and fax the form to:
Nina Candol: (949) 425-4919
If you are willing and able to help and want more information about Lisa, please take a look at her BLOG site: or contact me at: or call me at 520-744-4408.
Please accept our best wishes for the New Year!
Michael L. Wintory
An additional note, Lisa’s Sheltie, Maggie lost her valiant fight with lymphoma today, among other things Cancer is nasty business, and none of us are taking it real well right now
Monday, December 25, 2006
Lisa Anne Wintory's Christmas
Lisa update, Christmas Eve
If Christmas Eve is supposed to be one of excitement and anticipation, than I hope we can be forgiven for making Christmas Eve’s day one of rest, contemplation of our many blessings and prayers for those who’ve been such a blessing to us.
The venue couldn’t be better;. We’re in the wonderful new healing garden at St. Joseph’s Medical Center; a beautiful acre of block granite fountains, sculptures that move with the breeze (we have breeze in Arizona, these would spin into the ground in Oklahoma), beautiful desert plants grouped carefully around the meandering paths and patios.
It’s warm in the sun, the air is cool enough for this to be perfect napping weather, and Maggie, Michael and Mom Lisa are taking full advantage. Michael is asleep in his mom’s lap, displacing Maggie, at least temporarily. He lies across Lisa; head on the armrest of her wheelchair with his legs below the knee dangling down the other armrest. Outdoor speakers softly play gentle Christmas music to compete with the water splashing down the face of the fountains. Only the regular helicopters landings bringing tragedy from “out there” to hope and help “in here” which serves to reminds us where we are.
Lisa’s dozing follows a good night’s sleep, I know because we were given a special Christmas gift from Dr. Bliss, (with the intercession from our angels in rehab) and for the first time in months, our family spent the night together. The dispensation will last through the Christmas weekend so Lisa, Maggie, Michael and I will be together to share Michael’s first Christmas Eve and morning together.
It’s hard to know the best gift, but having Lisa’s brother coming again to see Lisa and then drag me to the Fiesta Bowl to watch OU play here in Phoenix will be a great way for our entire family to start the New Year.
I hope each of you have a bit of the joy you have brought our family this Christmas. God bless you all. Richard
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Lisa Today - 16 DEC 2006
Monday, December 04, 2006
LISA TODAY - 26 NOV 2006

Lisa receives therapy Lisa’s therapy continues with ankle casts in place. The new physical therapy equipment, MotoMed Viva 2, which we talked earlier (see Lisa Today edition 03-06 Nov 2006) adapts well to the casts, and records her efforts.

Bruce Bowers and Sandy Jazen
share a lighter moment before
the service.
Maggie is in a dog fight with cancer. It was a rough time for her leading up to last weekend. She needed radiation therapy and hospitalization (but not necessarily in that order).
Maggie’s doctor is taking wonderful care of her. The swollen lymphoid responded well to the radiation and she snapped back well enough to make the trip to be with Lisa and everyone
for Michael’s baptism. Steve and Jodie Bunting were gracious enough to bring her with them
on their trip to Phoenix. While I’m talking about Maggie, Jim Peterson has attended to her
also, and for this help many thanks. -30-
A lot is going on behind the scenes with regard to upcoming therapy for Lisa. We’ve talked about this in the past, so I won’t go all through it again; suffice it to say, after the internal review board at St. Joseph’s completes their review and publishes their review we will let you
know about their finding, and what it will mean for Lisa.
In future Lisa Today updates, I would like to share some of your comments, but I'll ask for your permission before posting.
Richard and Michael are spending this past weekend with Lisa at Select Specialty Hospital in St. Joseph’s. The days are spent with Lisa in her room and outside to the hospital gardens and fresh air. Their evenings and nights are with the grace of Sandy Janzen. Maggie loves to be in Lisa’s lap, she is clearly contented and happy to be there.
I hope you all have had a wonderful, fulfilling Thanksgiving Holiday, and that you were able to
share it with those nearest and dearest to you. Thank you as well for caring about Lisa, and the
rest of us here in Tucson. It provides incalculable comfort and feeling of support.
Michael (